“Through the Blue Eyes Sports Foundation, we aim to Inspire, Include and Encourage young people to get involved in sport, leading to a happier, healthier life”

Alex Brown, Charity Founder

Welcome to the website of The Blue Eyes Sports Foundation! Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about our charity, what we do, who we’ve helped and how you can apply for funding from us.

Alternatively, we have a Facebook page, which can be found HERE.


Background and Mission


Our goal is to help as many children as possible get involved in sport, of any kind. Our end goal is to have raised a total of £50k to support children in sport.



The Blue Eyes Sports Foundation host events every year. To see what our next event is, visit our events page via the button below.

Apply for Funding


Want to get in touch? Feel free to make a funding inquiry via our Contact page. Don't worry, we'll keep your details private.